Tuesday 13 April 2010

21st Century Living Project

The 21st Century Living Project has been launched http://21stcenturyliving.edenproject.com/
a major new report from Acona, Eden Project and Homebase.

The study tracked 100 households over a period of one year as they tried to reduce their environmental impact. They were audited at the beginning and at the end; given £500 to spend as they wished; a few starter goodies such as energy monitors, shower timers, etc; and an on-call project manager. Various other activities happened during the year, such as thermal imaging some of the houses and an interactive website.

A really good outcome was that people were willing to act and make significant changes, including spending their own money on top of what was given to them. People expected techno-fixes to these problems, but by the end they had changed their behaviour and found it easier than expected to save energy.

A difficulty they had was working their way through the information that’s out there – the claims and counter claims – people are desperate for clear authoritative information. That’s the main reason I set up Hawthorn Environmental Services Ltd, to help people through that.

Ah, but now another difficulty – people don't know what they are consuming in terms of gas, electric and water. They know the cost but that’s different to knowing how much is being used, as cost per unit varies over time. Again, this is a difficulty we have had with our own house case study.

To measure change we need to know where we’re starting from, so how do we know whether we are meeting Government targets?

However, to me the more important issue is that we effect change and make it happen, that we know how to reduce our energy and water consumption, and waste production.

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